Sunday 16 March 2008

Festival of Learning

The Festival of Learning was held in the gateway from Tuesday to Thursday last week. The event was a celebration of different learning techniques and featured lectures from many experts in best teaching practice.
This was a very prestigious event and we were honoured it took place in the Learning Gateway.

Monday 10 March 2008

Students have your say - Student Union election 2008 vote at the LG

The University of Cumbria Students’ Union had a voting stand on the ground floor of the Learning Gateway today, Students could vote for all jobs, from cross campus positions including the SU president to officers for Carlisle specific posts. If you haven’t had your say or your free lolly-pop, please come and see the lovely voting lady later this week.

Sunday 9 March 2008

Digital Art Showcase

The Digital Art Showcase was a great success and plans are now in motion to make it an annual event.
With each flexi-room and the lecture theatre showing work produced by undergraduate Fine Art students there was plenty of diversity and lots to see.
We will be posting pictures of the event very soon - watch this space!
Thanks to all those involved in the event and to everyone who came to see the work on display.

Sunday 2 March 2008

Participants in the 2008 Showcase

Below are a selection of images taken from undergraduate Fine Art students work:

Ami Stoker

Jennifer Brooks

Hannah Stewart

Adam Fine

Jennifer Martin

James Hamilton

Saturday 1 March 2008

Digital Art Showcase 2008

On Friday 7th March at 6.30pm the Learning Gateway hosts its second Digital Art Showcase organised by our staff; Heather Benson and Claire Foster.

This years exhibition is made up of work from Fine Art BA(Hons) undergraduates, and we will be showcasing their films in the flexi-rooms around the building.
Refreshments will be provided, so why not come along?!