Saturday 27 September 2008

Fresher's Fair in the LG

The Learning Gateway welcomed hundreds of freshers last Wednesday for a special day of freebies and survival tools to see them through life at University of Cumbria. In our packed building, students were given advice on everything from sports clubs, voluntary and paid work opportunities and support services available to them.

The local pubs, clubs and organisations on the social scene were also represented and offered money off vouchers for nights out.

Local organisations included the Mothers’ Union, seen giving out free pasta and rice, to the Abbey Singers and multi-cultural community group leader Saj Ghafoor. Not forgetting, of course, Wilkinson's who were giving out free spatulas - a must for every fresher.

Saturday 20 September 2008

Welcome Back to UOC!

Welcome Week started with a vengeance on Sunday 14TH September for our Undergraduate students. There were a series of events to help integrate the new starters into University life. Many, such as 'Health and Safety for all students', were held in the Gateway.

We have started our SMART Board Training Sessions, and uptake has been brilliant. Feedback on the course content and delivery has been very positive. Please contact the Learning Gateway if you require familiarisation with SMART Board.

Learning Gateway Facilitators can also provide training on the portable polling system. On Friday 19TH September, Trudy Purkiss used this facility during her LIS Induction to students. She said it was a very successful session. If you require training on aspects of the Gateway, pop in or e mail, and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Sunday 14 September 2008

Learning Facilitator Workshop at NoWAL Conference

On Friday 5th September Learning Facilitators, Heather Benson and Linda Moses-Allison, from the Learning Gateway, ran a workshop at the NoWAL conference:Up Close and Personal: our changing roles in a digital learning age, at Edge Hill University. The core theme of the conference was to examine the many changes taking place within Learning and Information Services as a result of the pervasive digital learning environment.
Heather and Linda's workshop was entitled: Learning Facilitator; defining a new role in Learning and Information Services (LIS) created for a new learning environment, and it looked at the evolution of the Learning Gateway and the Learning Facilitator role.
It was a very interesting conference and it was great to receive positive feedback about the Learning facilitator workshop.
For more information look at the NoWAL website: