Wednesday 12 May 2010

Are you using IWb at interview?

The Learning Gateway team would like to invite teaching students who have been asked to use an interactive whiteboard at interview to come in for a one to one session. We can provide expert tuition in the best use of both Smartboard and Promethean. We can help you add interactivity and put the learning experience at the center of your teaching materials.

Contact the Learning Gateway team for a training time.
01228 616188

Tuesday 13 April 2010

New Faces

Expect to see lots of new faces in the Learning Gateway behind our issue desk. The Learning Gateway team are now working more closely with colleagues in LISS, so you may now see staff you recognise from the library popping up in the Learning Gateway.

All our services continue to run as normal and you can always ask for help at the issue desk.

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Tag it!

The Learning Gateway team are pleased to announce that they are taking part in a bookmarking project for LISS. Staff and students of the University can take advantage of the tag cloud of interactive whiteboard resources by logging into Blackboard, selecting the skills zone tab, and accessing IT resources. The Tag cloud is located in both the Promethean and Smartboard areas.

If you have anything that you feel should be added to the tag cloud then please let us know